Basic Use

Training Chat: first real work

– Help ( Email us, Question marks, Tooltips)
– Insert new users names
– Insert new shifts and free text
– Actual plan/roster (Dragging names to shift, Draging to absent)
– See in timerecording
– See in Vacation plan (Absence categories, Click, Drag and drop)

Trainer: let us start with some problem solving methods. Top right there is a button with an envelope. Clicking this will send us an email requesting assistance (for whatever you type) or you can also suggest new features or improvements without the need to open your email program.
Trainee: OK

Trainer: you will find question marks in different places (on the settings page, at the top of almost each page – !!!! currently under rework and translation). Clicking the closest to your problem area will bring up help files.
Trainee: got it

Trainer: AND there are tooltips = little popups when you hold the mouse for a second above some elements. For example on the settings page for users (gears button): hold the mouse without clicking over the funnel icon, over the red minus button or the printer icon and little explaining texts will popup. Please try.
Trainee: yes, works

Trainer: let us start with real work now, like if you get a new employee. As for every setting you open the settings pages with the top right gears button. The first page you see is the employees page. The columns I will not explain now, will be explained in training part3.
– First you fill the name cell with a unique name so that 2 employes with the same name can be distinguished. Please use Adam and Eve as the2o names for this training.
– Then add how many days this person will work per week (normally 5).
– Then enter how many hours this person will work per week (for example 38.5). Do not type the word hours, just numbers.
– Then how many vacation days this user has according to his contract (optional)
– optional as well: when will the user start working (for example 01.01.2023) and when does his contract end. The user will then show from the start date on in the roster and disappear the week after his contract ends. His data will remain in the system for 3 years. After the end of the contract the user will also not be visible in the users list, but you can display former users by clicking on the top funnel icon.
The other columns we leave empty for the moment. Then click the green [+] icon on the right to put the data into the database. Please try to fill out 2 new users.
Trainee: yes, works. But what if I see a typo?
Trainer: then simply doubleclick into the cell you want to edit and modify the name or so. Then hit enter to save the changes. Try it please
Trainee: OK, done

Trainer: It may happen that nothing works anymore or you are switched back to the roster page. The reason then is that you are logged out, which happens after 5-10min of inactivity to prevent others from using your name in the system
in that case log in again with your password which at the start is “admin”

Trainer: Now we will do the same for adding a new shift. On the left in the blue area click on “shift” and the shift settings will open.
Fill out the fields with the following data
– Leave the field group empty for the moment
– Call the shift “test66”
– Fill column Start with a time or a more general word like morning. For our training use 10:00 please
– Leave the field Nr empty or fill a 1 (later we can distinguish several employees working in the same shift with that number)
– Then set the shift duration to 7:00
– Leave the rest empty and click the green [+] button to save the data to the database
Did that work?
Trainee: yes, works

Trainer: Now fill out a 2nd shift
– Name the shift “free text”
– As start type “zzz” or something else
– As Nr set 1
– Check mark the column “free text”
– Leave the rest empty and click the green [+] button to save the data to the database
Did that work?
Trainee: yes, works

Trainer: Now we will see what the result is. Close the settings page with the top right [x] button and you should see the duty roster again (if not, switch the view with one of the top middle buttons).
You should now see:
– Adam and Eve as 2 new employees in the right hand employees list
– A shift called test66
– And a shift called free text
○ This shift has a specialty. It is not meant to move names here, but it is meant to make notes (like “Karen will be late” or “special attention for patient X” or similar). You can type in these fields. Please try it.
Trainee: does not work
Trainer: click into the cell of your selected weekday, then type again
Trainee: yes, works now

Trainer: Next step is to completely understand the scheduling process. Please drag Eve from the employees list to a shift of today. Today is marked with a green dot in the weekday cell (it is not possible to drag to a day before yesterday)
Trainee: yes, done

Trainer: Now drag Eve down from today to a absent row (that is at the bottom where the left column is marked blue). With that move (which is normally done when someone is planned for a shift but becomes unexpectedly sick) a user is marked as sick.
Trainee: yes, done

Trainer: Now switch to vacation planner and check today
Trainee: how do I switch ?

Trainer: top middle on the page you see an icon with an airplane, click there. Then the vacation planner opens. There you should find Eve in the column of today marked yellow, right?
Trainee: it is a bit difficult to scroll the dates but i found it.

Trainer: Now we want to modify the kind of absence. Click on the yellow mark, then a drop down opens and shows the alternatives for absence. Select the turquoise “balance off” to see how the change works. You should now see today turquise marked.
And if you want the absence not to last only today but for 4 days for example then click into the turquoise cell and hold the mouse down and drag it across the next 4 days. You should see a grey bar and when you release the mouse button all marked fields have turned to turquoise.
If you see that then you have successfully set a longer absence.
Click now on the top right exit button and you will come back to the duty roster. There you also see the 4 days marked absent for Eve – with a little blue square for “balance off”