First Steps Training Chat

Trainer: Login from email or bookmark, then
after entering language and names (or skipping that)
You will see a message box which tells you what you can do. Does that work?
Trainee: yes

Trainer: ok, now open the schedule form
drag the top right -x- to a shift.
-x- means that this shift is intentionally not set (like friday afternoon, when nobody works)
does that work?
Trainee: yes

Trainer: ok
now click the top right gears button
Then you should see the settings for users as well as shifts as well as other settings. can you see that?
Trainee: alright i opened

Trainer: type “test55” for example into the first shift column
then type for example “17:30” or “night” into the start column, to set the beginning of the shift
set ‘1’ into the number column (this is needed, if more than 1 person works in the same shift)
and hit the green plus, to add the shift to the database
did it work for you?
Trainee: yes

Trainer: then close the settings page with top right “x” button and see the roster. You now should see some test users and the names you have entered upon startup, right?
Trainee: right

Trainer: For your information: It may happen that nothing works anymore. The reason then is that you are logged out, which happens after 5-10min of inactivity to prevent others from using your name in the system
in that case log in again with your password top left.
Trainee: OK

Trainer: the plan is perfect when there is no empty dark grey field . So we either need to set the shifts to -x- or assign names to the shift to make sure everything is planned. Empty dark grey fields mean that planning is still needed.

Now drag a name from the right employees list to a shift (which is one of the grey cells) and drop it there. Attention: you cannot drag to days before yesterday to avoid overwriting of former shifts. (Reason: documentation of who did what).
Then drag the -x- from the employees list to a shift
Trainee: okay sure

Trainer: That is the basic principle, how sanoplan works. Everything is drag and drop, no typing needed except for settings (= new user names etc). At the beginning there will be a pop up which tells you what you can do next (like ask for assistance, add settings, drag a user to a shift etc.). You can switch this hint off by setting a checkmark in the corresponding field.
All clear so far?
Trainee: yes

Trainer: In case of questions: there is a blog page on the website with a search field at the top of each page. Enter a keyword in the search field there and  you will find that most questions are answered there. Of course you can also use the top navigation of the blog pages.
Trainee: OK

Trainer: Before you start working with the artificial intelligence, you must first let it learn for at least 1-2 weeks so that it remembers who is suitable for certain tasks or shifts.

And do not hesitate to ask us in case of problems. 

When you are logged in you will find an envelope button top right of each page so that you can send us an email directly from the application, without the need to open an email program. You will receive a fast response.

Good luck
your sanoplan team